How to Make Money with Email Marketing: 10 Proven Methods

Marketing your products and services with email marketing is a great way to stay in touch with existing customers, attract new ones, and boost sales. The only challenge? Knowing how to make money with email marketing! That’s why we’ve put together this list of 10 proven methods you can use to get started with email marketing, regardless of your budget or experience level. Check out the list below, then visit our website for more information on making money with email marketing!

1) Start your email list

There are two main ways to get more email subscribers. The first is through opt-in popups, which prompt a visitor of your site to subscribe by filling out their email address. If you want people who haven’t yet visited your site, these might not be for you—but if your readership is mostly familiar with you, or if you have a mailing list built from an event you hosted, then opt-in popups can be a great way to start building up your list.

2) Add value before asking for anything

You can’t expect people to be willing to make an exchange—buy your product, for example—if you haven’t given them something in return. Whether it’s an interesting infographic, a humorous YouTube video, or even something more substantial like a white paper or industry report on a topic related to your business, offer valuable content up front. If you can create value for people first, chances are they’ll feel good about giving you what you want from them later.

3) Get their contact information

The most effective way to start building your email list is by offering something for free. It can be an eBook, a how-to guide, or a checklist. The key is to make it something that’s incredibly helpful so you can attract visitors who are genuinely interested in your content. Then, from there, you can offer them other products through email that they might also like or find useful.

4) Use their contact information wisely

The best way to start building your email list is by creating a page on your website that allows customers and potential customers to sign up for updates. However, make sure you add a clear call-to-action so people will sign up. Start with that basic framework and then get creative. Offer them discounts or exclusive special offers just for signing up; offer them access to exclusive content, like a special bonus chapter of an upcoming book. Give them something they’ll be happy they signed up for!

5) Offer something for free

You may not have an email list yet, or you might only have a few hundred contacts in your audience. If that’s true, then one of your best methods for making money from your email list is giving something away for free in exchange for an email address. This will help you build out your audience and work toward acquiring more direct clients.

6) Use contests and games

Contests and games are an easy way to increase interest in your company’s products. Although contests can sometimes turn into spam if used incorrectly, games can increase brand awareness and customer loyalty by allowing customers to interact more with your company. For example, if you run a wine shop, you could create a game for your customers that allows them to guess how much it costs per bottle without going over. At first glance, it may seem trivial or boring, but games provide an incentive for customers that boosts interaction and excitement.

7) Promote affiliate products or services

Try affiliate marketing. This means promoting someone else’s products or services for a commission on each sale you generate. Not only is there very little competition (you won’t be competing against other affiliates so there are less numbers of competitors), but your chances of making more money are greater since you will have less competition.

8) Sell physical products

Selling physical products through your email list is much easier than it sounds. There are many companies that will sell you products in bulk (for a discount) and ship them directly to your customers, which you can then promote through email marketing campaigns. One of our favorite sites for doing something like this is called Drop Ship Lifestyle. They specialize in helping people start an online business selling physical products, and their YouTube channel has TONS of great videos on how to get started. Check it out here!

9) Offer digital products (e.g., ebooks, guides, courses, software, etc.)

Selling digital products online is a great way to earn passive income. While digital products take time and effort to create, they can often be sold over and over again. If you want to sell products like an expert, try PromoteSimple. They provide all of the tools you need for successful digital marketing at one affordable price. If you are serious about your business, don’t underestimate the power of building your own sales funnel.

10) Promote others’ offers

There are many affiliate networks online that can be tapped for your email marketing efforts. This is a popular way of making money from email because it involves less time, effort and skills than creating your own products or services. You simply promote other people’s offers – including their affiliate links – and earn a cut of their sales as commission.

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