10 Reasons You Need to Know About the Importance of Email Marketing

Email marketing can be difficult to master, especially in today’s world of nonstop information and distractions. If you’re looking to do email marketing, the first thing you should understand is why it’s so important to focus on this form of marketing. Not only can email marketing help increase your customer base, but it can also help you establish relationships with existing customers, increase customer loyalty, and even help you find new employees. Here are 10 reasons you need to know about the importance of email marketing.

1) It boosts your brand image

An email newsletter, with each issue personally addressed from you and your company, is more personal than anything else you could do online. Your potential customers will get a sense of who you are and how you think, giving them confidence in your brand.

2) It helps you generate leads

Through newsletters, online ads, and sales pitches, you can reach a large number of potential clients. This is important because leads are a great way to introduce potential customers to your business. Before they buy your product or service, you’ll want them to know who you are and what they can expect if they do business with you. With email marketing, it’s easy to get that information out there quickly.

3) It helps you connect with customers

Some people claim that email marketing is dead. It’s not; it just isn’t as simple as it used to be. While you may no longer send a once-off newsletter, you can use email marketing to connect with customers and grow your brand using mobile.

4) It helps you create a database for mailing lists

Email marketing is one of the most convenient and effective means of connecting with existing and potential customers. Customers are more likely to use your products or services if they’ve been exposed to them over time, so a mailing list can be an indispensable tool for making sure that you reach as many people as possible with your message. Plus, it’s free! There’s no better way to give potential clients some extra attention before asking them for their business.

5) It allows you to choose the frequency and timing of your message

A fundamental principle of marketing is that timing and frequency affect message effectiveness. And you can be in total control over both via email. Not only can you send emails when your audience is ready to receive them (not on a schedule, at regular intervals), but you can also personalize those messages for each individual recipient. That’s something a social media platform like Facebook, for example, can’t offer.

6) It helps track customer preferences

It’s important to know your customer’s preferences and interests so you can give them products they want, which will keep them coming back for more. Make sure that when someone emails you with a question or concern, you respond right away by asking if they have an interest in a certain product, or letting them know about sales that are going on.

7) It provides immediate response capability

Every email you send can be tracked. Your message doesn’t have to go through several steps or departments before getting a response. The sales team has direct access, and they can respond immediately. Other marketing channels like social media are not immediate. When users like your Facebook page, they don’t expect an immediate response from you or your brand—they would likely have to join one of your groups or wait for your next post in order to get a response from you or other members in that group.

8) It makes it easier to segment messages based on interest areas

If you know how interested a person is in an area or topic, you can segment your email messages accordingly. This can make your efforts much more efficient and effective. For example, if one customer is really into red wine and another only drinks beer, you might decide to send them different offers for discounts on accessories for their home bar. Or if someone buys casual items online most often, you could try sending them advertisements for back-to-school sales.

9) Tracking can help identify those who are or are not opening or responding to your messages

If you can determine who’s not opening or responding, you may be able to find out why. Knowing what doesn’t work is as important as knowing what does. Track and tweak your marketing efforts accordingly. That way, your money and time won’t go down a dead end!

10) Track opens, clicks, bounces, forwards, replies and unsubscribes.

Your email software should be able to tell you how many times a recipient has opened your message, clicked a link in it or forwarded it along. If recipients have bounced your message back because they don’t have an active mailbox at that address (or any other reason), you’ll want to know that, too. It could happen that some recipients simply never open or read your messages; if so, unsubscribing from future mailings may be a good idea.

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